Working from the Terminal is really fun. Today, we’ll list really funny Linux commands which will bring smile on your face.
1. rev
Create a file, type some words in this file, rev command will dump all words written by you in reverse.
# rev <file name>
2. fortune
This command is not install by default, install with apt-get and fortune will display some random sentence.
crank@crank-System:~$ sudo apt-get install fortune
Use -s option with fortune, it will limit the out to one sentence.
# fortune -s
3. yes
#yes <string>
This command will keep displaying the string for infinite time until the process is killed by the user.
# yes unixmen
4. figlet
This command can be installed with apt-get, comes with some ascii fonts which are located in /usr/share/figlet.
cd /usr/share/figlet
#figlet -f <font> <string>
#figlet -f big.flf unixmen
#figlet -f block.flf unixmen
You can try another options also.
5. asciiquarium
This command will transform your terminal in to a Sea Aquarium.
# wget
Install and Configure above package.
# tar -zxvf Term-Animation-2.4.tar.gz # cd Term-Animation-2.4/ # perl Makefile.PL && make && make test # sudo make install
Install following package:
# apt-get install libcurses-perl
Download and install asciiquarium
# wget # tar -zxvf asciiquarium.tar.gz # cd asciiquarium_1.0/ # cp asciiquarium /usr/local/bin/
# /usr/local/bin/asciiquarium
6. bb
# apt-get install bb # bb
See what comes out:
7. sl
Sometimes you type sl instead of ls by mistake,actually sl is a command and a locomotive engine will start moving if you type sl.
# apt-get install sl
# sl
8. cowsay
Very common command, is will display in ascii form whatever you wants to say.
apt-get install cowsay
# cowsay <string>
Or, you can use another character instead of com, such characters are stored in /usr/share/cowsay/cows
# cd /usr/share/cowsay/cows
# cowsay -f bud-frogs.cow Rajneesh
9. toilet
Yes, this is a command, it dumps ascii strings in colored form to the terminal.
# apt-get install toilet
# toilet --gay unixmen
toilet -F border -F gay unixmen
toilet -f mono12 -F metal unixmen
10. aafire
Put you terminal on fire with aafire.
# apt-get install libaa-bin
# aafire
That it, Have fun with Linux Terminal!!