Ubuntu 12.10 ‘Quantal Quetzal’ is due for release in approximately one week. But before we start preparing a full review of the new version, we thought we’d give Unixmen readers a small preview of what we should all expect from the ‘Quantal Quetzal’.
I’ve spent some time with the latest Beta 2 in the last few days. And I must admit, the past few releases of Ubuntu I have found to be rather uninspiring and I think there are much better Linux based operating systems currently available. Yet, I think 12.10 could be the version that gets back my respect for Ubuntu.
Ubuntu 12.10, even in current beta stage is rock solid, fast and is overall a good release. Ubuntu’s main features have matured to a stage where they are all acceptable and mature. Unity, Dash and HUD are an absolute delight to use and functionality is very good.
You may have read about the decision for Canonical to include Amazon shopping results in the Dash search for Ubuntu. In a nutshell, it’s terrible. The Amazon results are very invasive and unessential for everyday computer use and tasks. Although the Beta 2 instance I’ve been using didn’t include an option to disable the feature, Canonical and Ubuntu Developers have assured the community that the final version will include this option. I know it’s certainly the first thing I will be doing post-installation.
Not to harp on the Amazon shopping results saga too much, Ubuntu 12.10 ‘Quantal Quetzal’ is exciting. We’ll write a full review of all the features in our full review once the final version has been released on October 18. But I really enjoyed using Beta 2 and personally can’t wait for the update for our beloved Ubuntu.