Install Citrix Receiver in Fedora 18

I’m running Fedora 18 as my main workstation. I’m using routinely Citrix applications, and needed to install Citrix Receiver.

Here` s what you need to do to get it installed.

First, you will need to add the RPMFusion Free and Non-Free repos in order to download the needed dependencies. Go Here to get the .repos for your version

Citrix Receiver is a 32 bit application, so you will need to install .i686 libraries if you are running it on a 64 bit OS. Here’s the command we will need to use:

For 64 bit systems:

yum install libXaw.i686 libXp.i686 openmotif.i686

For 32 bit systems:

yum install libXaw libXp openmotif

After you have those installed, go to and download the latest version of the Citrix Receiver application.  install it  with  RPM  or  YUM.