VirtualBox 4.0.10 has been released! PPA Ubuntu & Linux Mint

Oracle released VirtualBox 4.0.10, a maintenance release of VirtualBox 4.0. It comes to fix many bugs like proper device detection on RHEL/OEL/CentOS 5 guests, fixed virtualboxdisappearing settings widgets on KDE hosts,  VT-x detection on Linux 3.0 hosts and fixed a memory leak during VBoxManage guestcontrol execute, for more about this release please check the changelog.


For Ubuntu and LinuxMint, open terminal and enter the following commands

sudo -v
echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) contrib" | <br />sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
<br />sudo apt-get update
<br />sudo apt-get install virtualbox-4.0
  • If you don`t want to install virtualbox from repository download the following .deb packages from this Link.

– For Other Linux distribution, download the packages from this Link.

For installation of extension pack, please check our previous post.

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