Elementor Website Design Templates: Jumpstart Your Creative Process

Jumpstart Your Creative Process

Do you want the Elementor website design templates? Which things should you notice in the website designer portfolio? Elementor simplifies website creation for WordPress users with offerings of its hosting, templates and the Elementor plugin. Elementor Hosting provides a complete solution that integrates web hosting.

It eliminates the need to juggle separate providers for each function and streamlines the website-building process. Website design templates are crucial within this system. That offers pre-designed layouts and structures. 

That can be customised with Elementor’s drag-and-drop editor. These templates act as a starting point. And also saves your time and effort while ensuring a professional and responsive design that looks great on any device.

Why Use Website Design Templates

Custom website design offers complete creative control, and website design templates provide a powerful alternative. It saves you time, money, and design expertise. Let’s explore why templates are a compelling option for many website creators.

Time-Saving Benefits

Templates provide a pre-built foundation. It eliminates the need to start from scratch. It can save you significant time and effort compared to designing a website from scratch. You can just focus on personalizing the template with your content, images, and branding.  Rather than building the entire structure yourself.

Consistency in Design

Templates ensure a professional and cohesive look for your website. They offer pre-defined layouts and styles that guarantee a well-balanced and visually appealing design. Its consistency is especially important for maintaining a strong brand identity across your website.

Ease of use for non-designers

Even if you have no coding experience or design expertise. Then, website design templates make website creation accessible. They utilize user-friendly interfaces that allow you to drag and drop elements and swap out content. 

And customize the template to fit your needs. It also empowers anyone to build a professional-looking website without needing to learn complex coding languages.

Getting Started with Elementor Templates

Elementor templates offer a fantastic way to jumpstart your website creation process. Here is how to get started with your website design with the template.

1. Installing Elementor

There are two ways to install Elementor

  • Through your WordPress dashboard: Navigate to Plugins > Add New, search for “Elementor Website Builder,” and click Install Now. Then,  followed by Activate.
  • From Elementor’s website: Visit https://elementor.com/ and download the Elementor plugin in your WordPress dashboard. Then, go to Plugins > Add New, click Upload Plugin, select the downloaded file, and activate it.

2. Exploring the Template Library

Once Elementor is activated. Now you have access to its template library. Here is how to find them. 

  • From the WordPress editor: While editing a page or creating a new one, click the “Edit with Elementor” button. In the Elementor editor, you look for the “Templates” tab on the left-hand panel.
  • From the Elementor dashboard: Navigate to Templates > My Templates within the Elementor dashboard. This section displays all available templates. it includes all those you have created or saved as favorites. 

Types of Elementor Templates

Elementor templates come in various flavors to suit your website’s needs. Here is a breakdown of the most common types of templates. 

Full Website Kits

These templates are the most comprehensive option. They offer pre-designed layouts for every page on your website. It is like getting a complete website blueprint, including a homepage, contact page, about us page, and more. 

All are beautifully created and ready to customize. Full website kits are perfect if you want a cohesive website design from the start. Then, you can save significant time building individual pages.

Single Page Templates

Single page templates focus on the design of a specific page within your website. It could be a landing page template for capturing leads. A product page template can be used to showcase your offerings. 

Or a blog post template to present your content in a visually engaging way. Single-page templates provide a strong foundation for individual pages. Also, it still allows you to personalize them with your unique content.

Block Templates

These offer pre-designed sections of content that you can integrate into your existing pages. You can think of them as modular building blocks. It might include elements like call-to-action sections, pricing tables, team member profiles, or contact forms. 

Block templates allow you to add functionality and style to your pages without having to design them from scratch. It is a great way to enhance specific sections of your website. And also ensure a consistent design language throughout.

How Website Designer Portfolio Matters in Customizing the Elementor Templates

A website designer portfolio is important. When it comes to customizing Elementor templates for a few key reasons.

Visual Inspiration and Expertise

A strong portfolio showcases the past work of designers with Elementor templates. You can see their design style. And can judge how they have customized pre-made layouts, and the level of visual polish they can achieve. 

It helps you assess if their aesthetic aligns with your vision. If they possess the skills to transform a template into a website that reflects your brand identity.

Understanding of Customization Techniques

An experienced designer will understand the limitations and potential of Elementor templates. Their portfolio can show their approach to customization.  They primarily use the drag-and-drop editor’s built-in features. 

It provides custom coding for advanced functionalities or integrates additional plugins to the template’s capabilities. 

Communication and Collaboration

A portfolio often reflects a designer’s communication style. So, you should look for clear descriptions of projects. And highlight the specific customizations made to the template.It indicates their ability to understand your needs and translate them into visual modifications. 

During the selection process, you must consider how effectively the designer presents their work. Clear communication is essential for a smooth collaboration when customizing an Elementor template for your website.

Best Practices for Choosing Templates

When choosing a template, it is important to consider three key factors. These factors are brand identity, user experience, and responsiveness

Your template should visually represent your brand, like colors, fonts, and imagery. It will create a cohesive experience. You should also prefer the user experience with clear layouts, easy navigation, and intuitive content placement. 

Finally, you make sure the template is responsive or not. It must optimize for different devices like desktops, tablets, and mobiles.

Free vs. Premium Elementor Templates


  • Selection: Free templates are generally less abundant and offer a narrower range of styles and functionalities. Premium libraries provide a wider variety of designs. These are specific to niches and industries.
  • Features: Free templates utilize the core Elementor features. Premium templates often give functionalities from Elementor Pro. It also offers advanced design elements, marketing tools, and pre-built sections.
  • Support:  It is limited to community forums for free templates. Premium templates often come with dedicated support from the developer.

Advantages of Premium Templates

  • Faster Development: Save time by starting with a pre-designed and well-structured layout.
  • Advanced Design: Access unique layouts, animations, and effects not readily available with free options.
  • Peace of Mind: Benefit from regular updates, bug fixes, and compatibility checks from the developer.

Choosing Based on Budget

  • Limited Budget: Free templates are a fantastic option for getting started or for simple websites. You can choose a free theme like Astra that integrates well with Elementor and offers some pre-built layouts.
  • Willing to Invest: If you value design, functionality, and time-saving benefits. Then, the premium templates offer a significant return on investment. So, you consider your website’s complexity and long-term goals when making your decision.

Best Managed WordPress Hosting Service By Elementor

Beyond the basics

Elementor offers the best managed WordPress hosting service for Elementor users. It goes a step further. It includes Elementor Pro in all plans, giving you access to advanced design features and marketing tools. 

It streamlines your workflow and eliminates the need for separate purchases. Additionally, their one-click migration tool simplifies transferring your existing website. It also minimizes the downtime and technical hurdles.

However, Consider your Needs

Elementor’s hosting is a great option. But it might not be the perfect fit for everyone. If you have a very basic website with low traffic. Then, a more budget-friendly shared hosting plan from another provider might suffice. Conversely, for high-traffic sites with complex needs, established managed WordPress hosts like WP Engine or Kinsta might offer more customization and scalability.

Elementor Compatibility with Linux/Unix

Elementor itself is platform agnostic. It means it functions well on both Windows and Linux/Unix-based hosting environments. The key factors that determine compatibility lie in the underlying server software.

  • PHP: Elementor requires PHP version 7.0 or higher. So, most Linux/Unix web hosting providers offer compatible PHP versions.
  • MySQL/MariaDB: Elementor relies on a database for storing website content. Both MySQL and MariaDB, popular database solutions in Linux/Unix environments. All these are compatible with Elementor.
  • Web Server Software: Popular web servers like Apache and Nginx. These are commonly used on Linux/Unix. And also work strongly with Elementor.

Benefits of Linux/Unix Hosting for Elementor Users

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Linux/Unix hosting is often more affordable than Windows hosting. That makes it a budget-friendly choice.
  • Flexibility and Control: Linux/Unix gives you more control over server configuration. It also allows for customization to optimize performance for Elementor.
  • Open-Source Community: The vast Linux/Unix open-source community provides extensive resources and support for troubleshooting.

Things to Consider When Choosing a Linux/Unix Host

  • Server Specifications: Ensure the hosting plan has sufficient CPU, RAM. And should have storage to handle your traffic of website and Elementor usage.
  • PHP Version and Extensions: you must verify that the host offers compatible PHP versions and necessary extensions like GD Library and ZIP.
  • Database Support: Confirm that MySQL or MariaDB is supported and that the provided database space meets your needs.
  • Control Panel: Choose a host with a user-friendly control panel like cPanel or Plesk, simplifying server management tasks.
  • Security Features: Opt for a host that prioritizes security measures like firewalls, malware scanning, and regular updates.

Elementor on Linux/Unix

Elementor works on both linux and unix but for a smooth experience. So, you should check system info by using Elementor’s tool. Which are present in WordPress after your Linux/Unix hosting setup. 

It also verifies compatibility like PHP version, server software. You should also refer to Elementor’s documentation like link included for detailed requirements and troubleshooting tips. 

Final verdict!

Elementor website design templates offer a powerful and accessible solution for creating professional websites. They save time and resources, even for those with no coding experience. By understanding the different template types, the importance of a designer’s portfolio, and how to choose the right template based on your budget and needs. Then, you can build Elementor templates to jumpstart your website creation process and achieve a stunning and functional website. Remember to consider brand identity, user experience, and responsiveness. When selecting a template, then ensure it aligns with your overall website goals.