Blender 2.63 has been released! PPA Ubuntu

Blender 2.63 has been released, The 2.6x series is being targeted at including all work that happened in branches or patches past years. According to the announcement,

“this release was focused on integrating and stabilizing the long awaited BMesh modelling system, which has full support for N-sided polygons and many new modelling tools. New tools include Dissolve, Inset, Bridge, Vertex Slide, Vertex Connect, Bevel, and improved versions of Knife, Subdivide and Rip.”Other new features include a Movie Clip option for the Sequencer, a compositing node to output multiple files or multilayer EXR files, new tools for linking and detaching nodes, more particle rotation options, and Linux support for drag n’ drop from external applications.

Installation of Blender 2.63

– In Ubuntu and LinuxMint via PPA

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cheleb/blender-svn
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install blender

– For other Linux distribution, you can download Blender 2.62 from this Link:

Download Blender 2.63

Is done.
