Gaming On Linux

Alien Arena: Combat Edition v7.66 Is Available Now

Alien Arena is a is a free first-person shooter computer game similar to the Quake, Doom, and Unreal Tournament series. You can play Alien...

Humble Indie Bundle 9, Pay What You Want For Six Great...

It is amazing how Humble Bundle lets you put the price tag for the games you purchase. Pay what you want is their philosophy....

Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs Has Been Released

Are you a massive survival horror fan who wants to be made to scream? Cool, I know something that might help you. Have you...

A Linux Version Of Metro Game Coming This Year

Hello guys, how are you doing? How are all you big gamers out there? I have something special for you guys, many good things...

6 Games Coming to Steam for Linux

Where are my Linux gaming guys? I got some good news for you. Very, very good news! Prepare to play six new games on...

Linux Gaming: A State of Affairs

As everyone knows, generally Linux has never had a strong argument against Windows OS when it comes to gaming. 9/10 people will say they...

WINE 1.6 Has Been Released! PPA Ubuntu 13.04 and Linux Mint...

Wine 1.6 has been released. According to the announcement, the new release is a result of 16 months of development efforts and comes with...

A Linux Based Console. Coming Soon.

Well that title is not entirely true. But wouldn't it be great if it were. There's a keen market just...

NVIDIA Linux Driver Vulnerability Exploits Root Privileges!

According to NVIDIA there is a major vulnerability in their UNIX/Linux driver that every Linux user should be aware of. Especially now, that most...

Native Linux (steam) half-life and counter-strike arrive

The beta release of Half-life1 and Counter Strike 1.6 are now available for Linux, thanks to Valve. An OS X version is also available...

Linux Steam client on rampage

Just a few weeks after the official release of the Linux client for Valve’s Steam gaming platform, Linux gamers are on rampage, making up...

Options for Linux Gamers

During the holiday season, we all tend to drop our usual work tasks and take some time out and spend more time gaming. I...

Steam Games begin including Linux requirements

Linux users continued desire for pure Linux version of Steam, is now met with the official beta version of Steam for Linux. There is...

The Prison needs an Architect!

I have played Prison Tycoon 3 and 4 in the past and I can say one thing: extra boring! I found myself doing completely...

Compete in Rigs of Rods Multiplayer!

Rigs of Rods is one of the most amazing open source simulation projects that we reviewed a while ago. It is distinguished for its...

Realistic FPS Receiver is coming to Linux!

As one of Wolfire games developer/designer admitted today in the IRC, Receiver is about to come to Linux soon! The game uses the Unity...

Humble Indie Bundle 6

Another pay-what-you-want indie games bundle has been released, bringing new exciting games to the thirsty Linux gamers community. The bundle includes 5 games +...

A look into StuntRally 1.7

Some time ago, we did o comparison of StuntRally and Speed Dreams, and analyzed how two completely different bases result in what you'd expect...