Gaming On Linux

SpaceChem | Friday Game

With the arrival of the latest Humble Indie Bundle, we had the arrival of some new games for the Linux platform and some that...

Unknown Horizons | Friday Game

Unknown Horizons is a 2D realtime strategy simulation with an emphasis on economy and city building. It is basically a game heavily inspired from...

Linux Just Not Ready For Gaming

Until now, I have remained quite reserved about any serious Linux gaming, which seems to have gained quite some momentum thanks to Valve’s recent...

OpenGL vs DirectX: 1 – 0

Since Valve announced their official support for Steam into Linux platform, everyone is acting crazy. Quite recently, Valve's boss - Mr.Gabe, said that "Windows...

Warsow | Friday Game

Warsow is a first person arena shooter that is based on Quake II, but is heavily modified and evolved. The development of the project...

Hackwork | Friday Game

Hackwork is sort of what you'd get if you would combine Oil Rush, Atom Zombie Smasher and Uplink. It is a simply designed, but...

Heroes of Newerth becomes truly free!

It's been almost a year since the creator of Heroes of Newerth, S2 Games decided to make the game free-to-play with some restrictions, and...

Next Station: OpenBVE | Friday Game

OpenBVE is a free and open source train simulator that begun development three years ago and has just released a new exciting version! The...

Makers Tale-New 3D game on JmonkeyEngine

This is a story purely for game developers. While gamers shall have their day out when full version of Maker’s Tale is out, here...

Sintel | Friday Game

Sintel game is a video game adaption of the Blender's Foundation 3rd open film named Sintel. The movie is about the young huntress Sintel...

Puzzle Moppet | Friday Game

It's been some time since we featured a puzzle "Friday Game" so I decided to present to you Puzzle Moppet this week. This game was...

Linux Gamers are fewer than too few

Reading the articles about Blizzard banning Linux users for using wine and not giving a refund made me think that the main problem once...

Urban Terror | Friday Game

Urban Terror is a free multiplayer-only first person shooter based on Quake III Arena. The game is not open-source but it is free to...

The Journey Down: Chapter One | Friday Game

From time to time, there are magnificent games that hit the Desura store and no one seems to care much (at least not as...

Botanicula Web Demo is Live!

As Amanita Design has already done with its previous games, they released a web demo of Botanicula, their latest point and click exploration adventure...

Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs – Teaser

Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs is going to be the second episode of the Amnesia horror adventure series. The game is expected to be...

LIMBO | Friday Game

When LIMBO became a part of the Linux gaming world through the latest Humble Indie Bundle, I knew I should take the journey right...

Project Rembrandt comes in FlightGear this summer!

FlightGear 2.8 will be released on this August and the developers still the have time for many improvements and additions. One of the biggest...