Linux distributions

Install Oracle Database 12c On openSUSE 13.2

Dear Unixmen Fans, today we will show you the steps about how to install Oracle Database 12c in openSUSE. Also, this will work on...

How To Install LinOTP On Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

Security is very important nowadays especially if you run an online business want to deal with clients safely without them worrying about their account...

Security Onion: A Linux Distro For IDS, NSM, And Log Management

Introduction Security Onion is a Linux distribution for intrusion detection, network security monitoring, and log management. It’s based on Ubuntu and contains Snort, Suricata, Bro,...

Creating and Setting Up Your Own Forum Using phpBB

Introduction phpBB is one of the most widely used free discussion board scripts. This free and very powerful application is easy to install and administer. It...

An Introduction To Access Control Lists (ACL)

What Is Access Control List (ACL) Access Control List (ACL) provides an additional, more flexible permission mechanism for file systems. ACLs allow you to provide...

How To Install Git On CentOS 7

Git is a very useful version control tool in the today’s software development industry. I use it all the time so thought to write...

Lm-sensors: Monitoring CPU And System Hardware Temperature

It is very important to keep an eye on your system temperature. Because overheating may cause unexpected hardware failures. This brief tutorial describes how...

Setup Your Own E-commerce Site Using OpenCart

Introduction OpenCart is a popular open source shopping cart solution and provides elegantly written tools to establish a fully functional online store from scratch in...

Install And Configure SchoolTool On Ubuntu

Introduction SchoolTool is a free, open source, web-based student information system for a single school. It can be used to manage any of the following records...

How To Install Node.js On CentOS 7

Lately, I have been interested in learning Node.js which is a Javascript platform for server-side programming that allows the developer to write javascript code on...

How To Install Fail2Ban On CentOS 7

Brute force attacks are a way for malicious hackers to get access on your machine so in order to protect from these kind of...

How To Setup A Local Gem Server In Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Setup a Local Gem Server in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS My Environment Setup: Hostname       : IP Address      :      ...

Install OpenQRM Cloud Computing Platform In Debian

Introduction openQRM is a web-based open source Cloud computing and datacenter management platform that integrates flexibly with existing components in enterprise data centers. It supports the...

Install And Configure RoundCube Webmail On Ubuntu

RoundCube Webmail is a free and open source Webmail with browser-based multilingual IMAP client packed with plenty of AJAX goodness. RoundCube Webmail comes with...

Install Latest Stable Kernel On CentOS 6 And 7

In this brief tutorial, let us show you how I have upgraded my centos 7 kernel to the latest stable version. I am going...

Installing And Configuring Logwatch In Ubuntu 14.04

What is Logwatch? Logwatch is a customizable log analysis system. Logwatch collects the system's logs and create a good format of report, We can get...

Inxi: Find System And Hardware Information On Linux

We already have shown different applications and ways to find the system and hardware information on Linux. In that series, today we will see...

Linux Basics: Assign Multiple IP Addresses To Single Network Interface Card...

Some times you might want to use more than one IP address for your network interface card. What are you going to do? Buy...