Linux distributions

Geary 0.6.0 Released! Install in Ubuntu via PPA

Geary is a lightweight email client also developed by the Yorba team, Geary 0.6.0 is the latest stable release, announced on March 17, 2014....

Protect Yourselves From Attacks On Public WiFi Networks With WiFi Protector

All the anti-virus programs in the world won’t help you if you log on the public WiFi at a coffee shop. Most of us...

You’ll Have A LIFELESS Android Device Without These Music Apps

Image courtesy of  phanlop88 / It’s almost impossible for an Android device to have no music playing capability. The Android operating system and Google’s web...

Install CentOS 6.5 Using Kickstart Method

Installing Linux can be done via multiple methods like (DVD/ftp/http/NFS/), but the easiest way is from kickstart file. Its very easy, and fast method. Before...

Install Redmine On Ubuntu Server 13.10

Introduction Redmine is one of most interesting project management web applications, written using Ruby on Rails framwork. Installation Install Apache2, MySQL and other dependencies packages: apt-get install apache2...

Install TWiki Collaboration Platform On CentOS 6.5

Introduction TWiki is a flexible, powerful, secure, yet simple web-based enterprise collaboration platform. It can be used to run a project development space, a document...

How to configure DRBD On CentOS 6.5

Introduction The Distributed Replicated Block Device (DRBD) is a distributed replicated storage system for the Linux platform. It is implemented as several userspace management applications...

Fix “Unit iptables.service failed to load: No such file or directory”...

Hey Guys, You just installed LAMP on your Fedora and needs to restart iptables then this error message is always displayed. # systemctl restart iptables.service Failed to...

Fix Google Chrome Dependencies When Installing via .RPM Package

Question: I've downloaded the Google Chrome RPM package successfully. While trying to install from terminal, I got the error messages below: # rpm -ivh google-chrome-stable_current_x86_64.rpm warning:...

Install DNS Server On Ubuntu Server 13.10

Install bind9 on Master Server Login as root and install the bind9 package: apt-get install bind9 Install package named dnsutils, for testing and troubleshooting any DNS issues. apt-get...

How To Change Hostname In Fedora 20, 19

Hello Guys, Assuming you just installed Fedora 18, 19 or 20 and found out you don't like your system's hostname, this short tutorial is to...

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Gets New Lock Screen

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS as we can see now, is getting more beautiful and interesting as it approaches few weeks to final release. :-D. Am...

Download 11 Community Wallpapers Chosen For Ubuntu 14.04 “Trusty Tahr”

Hey Guys, Below are the 11 community wallpapers chosen for Ubuntu 14.04 "Trusty Tahr". Download Ubuntu 14.04 Community...

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS “Trusty Tahr” Default Wallpaper Revealed!

DOWNLOAD HIGHER RESOLUTION DEFAULT WALLPAPER Hey Guys, The above images shows the official default Ubuntu 14.04 LTS "Trusty Tahr" wallpaper as we all wait for it...

Canonical Works with Cisco!

The Ubuntu distribution is known to everybody nowadays, right? The company behind its development is Canonical, something also known to a lot of people,...

Android Intercom: An Excellent Intercom App For Bikers Or Hiking Fans

For those of you who own a bike and take long trips this can be a godsend! A new application available on Google Play...

Install Google Talk Plugin In Fedora 20

Google Talk Plugin will enable you to call your contacts or friends via Google Hangouts, which may be Video or Audio in your Web browser. This...

Install Satis On Ubuntu Sever 13.10/13.04

Satis is a simple static composer repository generator. It is used in any composer.json file as input and dumps all the required packages to a...