How Programming Homework Can Be Done Faster
Today we want to touch upon a critically important and relevant topic on which the success of everyone who needs to do programming homework...
5 Best Ways To Secure Your Linux System Distribution
There are many ways to secure your Linux system distribution. Today, cyber attacks and computer hacking can be prevented by bolstering security systems. By...
Why Is Linux Popular for Machine Learning? Top Distributions To Use
Linux is becoming the go-to operating system for machine learning and artificial intelligence processes. The Linux Foundation reports that the LF AI, the foundation’s...
Effective Tips To Improve Linux Environment
Many people have used the Windows environment for several years and before they migrate to Linux, they feel like they are in a different...
How to prevent a Supply Chain Attack in a Linux Environment
What is a supply chain attack?
This is a type of cyberattack that seeks to damage an organization by attacking weaker elements in the supply...
8 Reasons Why You Should Use Linux for Programming
Linux is a platform with a good market reputation. Programmers prefer to use it for multiple reasons. It is easier to set up and...
5 current topics for research paper about Linux cybersecurity
Are you a student who is studying data security in college? Are you looking for ideas for your research paper about Linux cybersecurity? You’ve...
5 Best Linux Coding Editors
Once you learn how to code, you can start building great applications that solve a problem or join businesses and companies looking for those...
How to use the bc command in Linux for Arithmetic Calculations?
The bc command stands for Basic Calculator in Linux. We use the bc command as a command-line calculator. The bc command offers the capabilities...
6 Best Ways to Improve Linux Security
The Linux OS has historically been regarded as more secure than Windows or macOS thanks to how it handles user permissions and because it’s...
Linux kernel turns 30: congratulations from PVS-Studio
On August 25th, 2021, the Linux kernel celebrated its 30th anniversary. Since then, it's changed a lot. We changed too. Nowadays, the Linux kernel...
Best Linux Apps to Have in 2021
Are you looking to improve your Linux experience by installing some more applications? If so, this article should give you a few ideas to...
5 Linux Cybersecurity Mistakes Small Businesses Commonly Make
Running a small business on Linux doesn’t mean having a small workload. You need to take care of so many things yourself or with...
Best Linux Distributions that Look Like macOS
Answer this question in all honesty: would you use a different computer (not a Mac) if its operating system felt like macOS? Many people...
Best Steam Games That Work on Linux
When someone thinks about gaming on a PC, most people believe that you have to have a Windows OS. Well, while that might be...
Best Linux Distros for Small Businesses
There’s a wide variety of Linux distros out there —built for all kinds of purposes and user types. The top ones are made to...
TaskBoard: Kanban-based Software on CentOS 7
TaskBoard is a free and open source software, inspired by the Kanban board, for keeping track of things that need to be done.
Kanban is...
Let’s Encrypt: Secure Apache Web Server on Ubuntu 16.04
Starting with Chrome 56, the browser developed by Google marks non-secure pages containing password and credit card input fields as Not Secure in...