Linux tutorials

How to Install vsftpd Centos/RHEL/Fedora

  vsftpd, which stands for "Very Secure FTP Daemon", is an FTP server for Unix-like systems, including Linux. It is licensed under the GNU General...

Install nomachine in RHEL/centos/Fedora

Nomachine or NX technology is a computer program that handles remote X Window System connections, and attempts to greatly improve on the performance of...

Virtual Lan install

A virtual LAN, commonly known as a VLAN, is a group of hosts with a common set of requirements that communicate as if they...

extract any compressed file in Linux

  Use the following command to create a new file in /usr/bin directory and launch the gedit. sudo gedit /usr/bin/extract-file Copy and paste the following code...

Installing & Configuring Sandalone PROFTPD Server in Ubuntu

This tutorial show you how to install proftpd server in Ubuntu . Proftpd is Highly configurable GPL-licensed FTP server software How  to install  Proftpd in...

Convert Ubunu 10.x to Mint view

There is  some  users who  likes to use Mint  due  to his   beautiful  look ,  we  will show you how  to convert  your  Ubuntu ...

How to install Moodle CMS in Ubuntu

Moodle is an Open Source Course Management System (CMS), also known as a Learning Management System (LMS) or a Virtual Learning Environment...

gwaterfall debain fonts comparer

This program facilitates comparison of various font and font rendering parameters. It displays sample line of text in sizes from 5 to 36px simultaneously...

Install Openjdk7 in Ubuntu 11.10

The "sun-java6" package is no longer available in the official Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot repositories.   Lets  show  you  some  ways  How  to install  java ...

How to dual boot OS X and Ubuntu

It is a cake walk to dual boot on a PC. However, when it comes to dual booting on a MAC, most people seem...

Webmin 1_570 released , install in Ubuntu

  Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix/. Using any modern web browser, you can setup user accounts, Apache, DNS, file sharing...

Python for systems administrators – Repetitive tasks

Systems administrators quite often have to perform repetitive...

Firefox 7 released , intall PPA Ubuntu/Mint

  Firefox  7  has  been  released, this  release  is  comming  with  a  big improvemrnt of  memory usage and sync, CSS3 text overflow, Azure for improved...

Install Oralce 10g2 in centos 6

  Install Oralce 10g2  in centos 6 1- Download Oratoolkit  rpm (This  packages  will add  oralce user  and  with some  scripts  to  check  the  dependencies) 2-    make  oracle ...

Python for systems administrators – The basics

If you have ever worked as a systems administrator or are planning a career as a systems administrator you will understand that knowledge of...

Securing services with TCP wrappers

Security should be an essential part of any system whether it be for a server running at the department of defense, or a dusty...

multiple MySQL instance on Fedora/CentOS/Redhat/Scientific Linux

Question:  How  to make  a  second  mysql server  running  on the same machine with another port and other directory ?  Answer : To do this, follow...

Script to make webcam working in Skype

When using skype in Linux, happen that when you install Skype the webcam will not work, you can use the mic for voice conversation...