
Here are a few Python coding tips for every beginner coding...

Everyday is a new opportunity to progress with your coding skills. There are many good resources available on the world wide web teaching best...

Hex binary decimal conversion tutorial

Take this number:  343 What’s this number? You think it’s decimal by default, right? However, the truth is, we can’t be sure. We can say...

Install and configure Jenkins on Ubuntu 16.04

Introduction Jenkins is an automation server written in Java, as a fork of the Hudson project. It helps to automate part of the software development...

Popular Linux Development Software

Software developers use a lot of different tools and methods for their hacking. And by hacking, I mean real, good and legitimate hacking. Real...

Howto- Install Python 3.x in Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora & Centos

Question: How to install Python 3.x in Ubuntu, Fedora &  Centos? Answer: 1- To be able to compile Python Source, you will need few packages. Open...

Pytube: How to Download Youtube Videos with this Python Tool

Introduction pytube is a python package written for the main purpose of downloading videos from the famous video website Youtube. According to the official documentation...

How To Log In Python, A Simple Tutorial

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a simple python script that makes use of the logging python standard library in order...

Understand programming


Kernel Development Made Easy? Not yet.

If someone asked me “What is your favorite part of the Linux operating system?”, I would have to say the Linux kernel itself. And...

Introduction To Python *args and **kwargs For Beginners – Part 2

In the first part I explained to you guys the purpose of *args in python programming language through some simple practical examples. In this...

Haiku: Package Manager – Doing Things Right

The Haiku community is living a very peculiar moment these days.  They are witnessing the creation of its Package Manager. Generally considered as the...

Sandboxed Gentoo

Introduction This article is a guide on installing Gentoo in another Linux distribution (Arch, in this case). Look at it like a BSD Jail. It's...

Top 10 Benefits of Linux for App Development

Linux appeared in 1991 and remained one of the top systems for developing practical solutions. It is one of the best-loved bases for app...

eStudio (Baseline) Code Preview

A couple of months ago, I got word of a project that an acquaintance of mine as working on. Information...

How Secure is Your Password? Create a Strong Password and Sleep...

Our on-line content, bank accounts, shopping accounts and social network accounts are as safe as our passwords are. Most people don't  consider password security...

Dictionaries vs List data structures In Python

Suppose you have a following list: >>> list = >>> list Booboo has 10, Orestis has 5, Homer has 7 and last but not least Asterix...

Install Grunt and Grunt-cli on Ubuntu 16.04

Introduction Grunt is a JavaScript task runner, which helps in performing repetitive tasks like minification, compilation, unit testing, and linting. This means that a developer...

What You Need to Become a Linux Programmer

Are you looking to become a Linux programmer? The open-source operating system is a popular choice among developers and is widely used in the...