
Mageia RC1 is released! "Mandriva Fork"

Mageia RC1 is released! "Mandriva Fork",  This is the last development release before the first stable version of Mageia. This release is mainly...

­Chrome netbook is not for you if …

Chromebook; powered with Chrome OS, a web-based operating system, is the most highly anticipated device. Chromebook seeks to revolutionize the way we work with...

Wine 1.3.20 is released!

Wine 1.3.20 is released, This is a bi-weekly snapshot in the 1.3 unstable series. What's new in this release (see below for details): ...

VirtualBox 4.0.8 is released!

Oracle released VirtualBox 4.0.8, a maintenance release of VirtualBox 4.0. It improves stability and fixes regressions. Important bugs were fixed in this release, for...

Microsoft softens its journey to cancerous CentOS Linux

Back in the bygone era of 2001, the...

Boot Linux in your Browser

"Fabrice Bellard, the initiator of the QEMU emulator, wrote a PC emulator in JavaScript. You can now boot Linux in your browser, provided it...

Post-Budapest UDS, where is Ubuntu 11.10 headed

The roadmap for Ubuntu 11.10, Oneiric Ocelot was...

Minitube 1.4.3 is Released! | PPA Ubuntu

Minitube 1.4.3 is Released! This is a bug fix release that comes to fix some important bugs in the previous version. like  videos not...

Find your favorite apps installed by default in PinguyOS 11.04

PinguyOS 11.04 is released, Based on ubuntu 11.04 natty Narwhal, this new release is an optimise build of Ubuntu 11.04 Minimal CD with added...


True to form Ubuntu 11.10 is being fleshed up with several features while, some legacies that continued, are being removed. So, in comes...

Grab Flash Player 10.3 for Linux & Android

Adobe has released new Flash Player 10.3; promising improved stability, performance upgrades and primarily enhancements in security and user privacy protection. Cross-platform, Adobe Flash player...

Ubuntu 11.10 likely to get backup with déjà Dup as default

True to form Ubuntu 11.10 is being fleshed up with several features while, some legacies that continued, are being removed. So, in comes the...

The world map of Gnu Linux

This is the world map of GNU Linux. Funny :) Image credit : Ubuntulife

PhpMyadmin 3.4.0 comes with a new user interface

PhpMyadmin 3.4.0 is released, this new release features, a new user interface, Relation schema export to multiple formats, ENUM/SET editor, a simplified interface for...

Microsoft acquires skype and confirmed to continue to invest in and...

Now is that good or worst, but the big news for today is that Microsoft is acquiring the leading internet communication service Skype! REDMOND,...

LinuxMint11 "Katya" RC is released! | With Screenchots Tour

With the release of Ubuntu 11.04, at the end of April, the countdown for Linux Mint new release had begun. As Lefebvre, the founder...

Parted Magic 6.1 is released.

Parted Magic 6.1 is released. This version of Parted Magic includes a new X.Org build and some bug fixes. The Nouveau X.Org driver...

UbuntuStudio 11.04 Natty Screenshots tour

Ubuntu Studio is  a multimedia creation flavor of Ubuntu. Ubuntu Studio is aimed at the GNU/Linux audio, video and graphic enthusiast as well as...