
Using the CP Command to Copy A Directory on Linux

Copying directories is a vital task in Linux systems administration and everyday use. Whether you're backing up...

Ubuntu Server GUI: Installing and Managing a Graphical Interface

The Ubuntu Server is famous for command-line interface, optimized for performance and efficiency. However, there are situations...

A Guide on How to Master Bash If Else… Statements

Introduction As someone who creates apps and occasionally uses Linux, it's crucial to control...

Troubleshooting Guide: Cannot Connect to the Docker Daemon

Have you encountered the following error while using Docker? Error: "Cannot Connect to...

How to List Installed Packages on Ubuntu Linux

How to List Installed Packages on Ubuntu Linux If your preferred Linux distribution...

Bash Script Arguments: A Comprehensive Guide

When I first delved into bash scripting, arguments seemed like a mystery, holding the key to unlocking...

What Is Alma Linux? A Free and Open-Source Enterprise Grade OS

The release of AlmaLinux created quite a buzz in the Linux community back in February of 2021....

Why Open Source Operating Systems Are Utilised by Hackers the Most?

The popularity of open source operating systems (OS) is evident in various tech circles. However, it’s intriguing to note how they particularly resonate with...

Navigating Data Recovery on Linux with Open Source Software

Most people continue to face data recovery challenges across the world. Like those using Windows computers, Linux users are not left behind in these...

How Open Source Operating Systems Can Be Ideal For Your Business

  In a world where Windows has become synonymous with PCs in the minds of the public, is there room for Open Source Operating Systems...

TaskBoard: Kanban-based Software on CentOS 7

Introduction TaskBoard is a free and open source software, inspired by the Kanban board, for keeping track of things that need to be done. Kanban is...

Let’s Encrypt: Secure Apache Web Server on Ubuntu 16.04

Why HTTPS? Starting with Chrome 56, the browser developed by Google marks non-secure pages containing password and credit card input fields as Not Secure in...

Monitoring: How To Install Sensu on Ubuntu 16.04 Server

Introduction - Sensu Monitoring Sensu is a free and open source tool for composing a monitoring system. It is entirely written in Ruby. It uses...

WordPress on Ubuntu 16.04 With Caddy

Introduction WordPress is a famous content management system based on PHP and MySQL, distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv2 (or later). In most...

Caddy Web Server on Ubuntu 16.04

Introduction Across our many tutorials we have looked at hundreds of different technologies. In almost every article, we've based our work on Apache or NGINX...

Decentralized Communication with Matrix on Ubuntu 16.04

Introduction to Decentralized Communication Matrix is an open standard for real-time, interoperable and decentralized communication over IP, used to power VoIP/WebRTC signalling, Internet of Things communication, Instant...

Continuous Integration: Concourse CI on Ubuntu 16.04

Concourse Continuous Integration System Concourse CI is a simple and scalable continuous integration system with an end goal of providing a system with as few...

Database System: PostgreSQL Replication on Ubuntu 16.04

PostgreSQL Database System PostgreSQL is an advanced open source Object-Relational Database Management System (or ORDBMS). It is an extensible and highly-scalable database system, meaning that...