Full monitoring system: Graphite, collectd and StatsD – Part 2
In the first part of this series we installed and configured Graphite on an Ubuntu 16.04 server.
Remember that Graphite is software for visualizing data, so...
Full Monitoring System: Installing Graphite, collectd and StatsD – Part 1
Collecting data (stats about servers, applications, daily site traffic, etc) is the first step when troubleshooting site issues, looking to implement performance improvements or...
How to deploy Rocket.Chat on AWS – Part II
This is the second part of the tutorial on how to deploy Rocket.Chat on AWS (Amazon Web Services). In part one we saw how to...
Install – Configure WordPress with NGINX and HHVM
HipHop Virtual Machine (HHVM) is an open-source virtual machine designed for executing programs written in Hack and PHP. It uses a just-in-time compilation to...
How to install – configure Ghost on openSUSE 42.2 Leap
What is Ghost?
In the Web 2.0 era, blogs are an important part of like for many people, and the popularity of Wordpress and Tumblr,...
Install Magento on Ubuntu 16.04
Magento is an eCommerce open source software, and a content management system for eCommerce websites. It uses MySQL 5.6+ or MariaDB as possible databases,...
Install Rocket.Chat on Ubuntu 16.04
Rocket.Chat is a messaging system for team communication, like Slack. It has various features, including:
Video conferences
Help desk chat
File sharing
Voice messages
Install and configure ownCloud 9.1.4 on openSUSE Leap 42.2
ownCloud is an open source file syncing and sharing software, just like Dropbox. Just placing files in a local shared directory, those files will...
How to install Seafile on CentOS 7
Seafile is a private file hosting platform, similar to Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive and Mega. Its parts are released under open source licenses, in...
How to install and use lnav on CentOS 7
lnav, which stands for Log File Navigator, is a CLI-log file viewer built for small scale solutions. It is totally free, easy to use...
How to install Visual Studio Code and .NET Core on RHEL...
It was November 2014 when Microsoft announced the open sourcing of .NET with a project named .NET Core. It was announced as a smaller...
How to install Mattermost on RHEL 7.1
Mattermost is an open source, private cloud Slack-alternative. A workplace messaging system for web, PCs and phones, released under the MIT license.
In a previous...
How to install Nextcloud on CentOS 7
In a previous tutorial we talked about the installation of Nextcloud on an Ubuntu 16.04 server with Apache. Remember, Nextcloud is a cloud storage...
Install Mattermost with PostgreSQL on Ubuntu 16.04
Mattermost is a workplace messaging system for web, PCs and phones. It's an open source alternative to Slack.
A complete Mattermost installation consists of three...
How to install ownCloud 9.1.4 on CentOS 7
OwnCloud 9.1.4 is an open source software for file sharing and data synchronization that is very useful in the enterprise sector, with an easy...
How to install and use EncryptPad on Ubuntu 16.04
EncryptPad is an application for editing symmetrically encrypted text. It provides a tool for encrypting and decrypting binary files, and it uses the format...
How to install WordPress with Docker on Ubuntu 16.04
For those who don't know, WordPress is a famous content management system based on PHP and MySQL, distributed under the terms of the GNU...
Install Grunt and Grunt-cli on Ubuntu 16.04
Grunt is a JavaScript task runner, which helps in performing repetitive tasks like minification, compilation, unit testing, and linting. This means that a developer...