
all about unix systems (Hpux/IRIX/Solaris/BSD

How to Update Node.js: Upgrading Your Node Version

Why Update Node.js? Keeping Node.js up to date is crucial for developers who want to leverage the latest features, performance improvements, and security patches. This...

Ubuntu Default Root Password: How to Access Your Root Password

One of the most common questions new Ubuntu users ask is about the default root password. Here's everything you need to know about Ubuntu's...

DDRescue: How to Recover Lost Data in Linux

What is DDRescue? DDRescue, also known as GNU ddrescue, is a powerful data recovery...

VI Save and Exit: Essential Commands in Unix’s Text Editor

What is VI? VI, short for "Visual Interface," is a powerful text editor that...

SED Replace: How to Manipulate Text in Unix

So, what is SED Replace? SED stands for Stream Editor. This is a powerful...

LS Command: How to List Files in Unix Systems

What is the LS Command? If you occasionally use Linux and Unix based operating...

How to Refine your Search Results Using Grep Exclude

What is Grep Exclude? Grep exclude is a powerful feature of the grep command...

LSOF: How to List Open Files in Unix Systems

What is LSOF? The LSOF command, which stands for "LiSt Open Files," is a...

Introduction to Chmod Recursive

For users of Unix and Linux operating systems, managing file permissions is a vital aspect of system...

Using the CP Command to Copy A Directory on Linux

Copying directories is a vital task in Linux systems administration and everyday use. Whether you're backing up...

Unlocking the Power of Unix: A Guide for Aspiring Bloggers and...

Writing and blogging have become two of the most well-liked pastimes on the web. However, you'll need to be inventive and unique if you...

TaskBoard: Kanban-based Software on CentOS 7

Introduction TaskBoard is a free and open source software, inspired by the Kanban board, for keeping track of things that need to be done. Kanban is...

Let’s Encrypt: Secure Apache Web Server on Ubuntu 16.04

Why HTTPS? Starting with Chrome 56, the browser developed by Google marks non-secure pages containing password and credit card input fields as Not Secure in...

Linux vs Unix – How is UNIX different from Linux

Linux and Unix are two terminologies that are interchangeably used to refer to the same Operating system. This is largely due...

What is UNIX? – What you need to know

In the '80s and early '90s, DOS and Windows were the only predominant operating systems. They were only accessible to those...

What is UNIX used for? – Popular use cases

In our previous topic, we introduced the UNIX operating system and touched base on what it does and its quintessential components....

WordPress on Ubuntu 16.04 With Caddy

Introduction WordPress is a famous content management system based on PHP and MySQL, distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv2 (or later). In most...

Caddy Web Server on Ubuntu 16.04

Introduction Across our many tutorials we have looked at hundreds of different technologies. In almost every article, we've based our work on Apache or NGINX...