CD command in Linux: Using it Effectively

cd command
cd command

The cd command is short for “change directory”. While working in a Linux or any UNIX based environment, navigating the file system is a basic skill. The cd command is the most essential aspect in navigating file systems. This command is frequently used by both beginners and seasoned Linux users. In this article, let us take you around this vital command, the functions it can perform with examples.

Basic Syntax of cd Command

The cd command is primarily used to change the current directory to another specified directory. Here is the basic syntax to get you started:

cd DirectoryName

To change the shell session from the current directory to another directory, type cd, followed by the directory’s path. The session will then operate on the specified directory. For example, if you would like to change the shell session to “home/user1/unixmen”, execute the command:

cd /home/user1/unximen

How to Use Relative and Absolute Paths

In Linux, directories can be specified using either absolute or relative paths.

  • Specifying an Absolute Path: This is the entire path right from the root directory to the target directory. An example of an absolute path is “/home/user1/unixmen”.
  • Specifying a Relative Path: This is the path that is relative to the directory currently in session. For example, if the session is already at “home/user1” and you want to move to a folder named “unixmen”, you can just execute “cd unixmen”.

Understanding absolute and relative paths while working with cd commands will help in faster navigation among file systems.

How to Navigate Up One Level

A very common Linux operation when you are working with files and directories is to navigate one level up in the directory structure. In other words, this is the equivalent of moving to the parent directory of the existing directory. With the cd command, this is possible. The command is a simple double dot: “..”. Here is an example for this operation.

cd ..

For example, if you are at “/home/unix/men”, executing the above command will take you to “/home/unix”.

How to Go Back to the Previous Directory

A very useful feature with cd command is the in-built ability to toggle between the present and previous directories just by using the “-” option. The basic syntax is:

cd -

For example, if you were working with “/home/unix” directory and then moved to “/home/unix/men”, executing the above command will take you back to “/home/unix”.

How to Return to the Home Directory

If you would like to return to the home directory, executing just “cd” in the command prompt without any arguments is enough.

As an alternative to just “cd”, you can also use “cd ~”. The ~ symbol represents the home directory but executing just “cd” does the job easily.

How to Use cd Command with Other Commands

The “cd” command can be combined with other useful commands as well. This helps you streamline your workflow. Let’s say if you would like to change directories and then list the contents of the new directory in one line, you can combine cd and ls commands. Here is an example:

cd /home/unixmen && ls

This command changes the directory to

and then lists the files and directories within it.

How to Handle Spaces in Directory Names

As with many Unix commands, spaces are a little tricky when you are working in command prompt. The problem is, the command terminal will have a tough time whether the space is a part of the argument or the start of another argument. If the directory name contains spaces, the preferred option is to enclose the directory name with quotation marks. Another option is to use the backslash but a lot of people stick to quotes.

cd "Ubuntu Documents"

cd Ubuntu \ Documents

Executing either of these commands will take you to the same Ubuntu Documents directory.

Some Use Cases

Some seasoned Linux users combine the cd command with shell scripting and automate their complex directory navigation tasks. For example, you can write a script that changes directories based on inputs from the user or conditions. Here is a sample for you:

echo "Enter the directory you want to navigate to:"<br />read dir<br />cd $dir || { echo "Directory not found"; exit 1; }<br />echo "Successfully navigated to $dir"

This script first asks the user for a directory name. If the directory exists, it changes to that directory. If the directory does not exist, it shows the “Directory not found” error.

Wrapping Up

The cd command may seem simple and benign but it packs a lot of potential that can cut down your time and efforts required in folder navigation attempts. Mastering the cd command and its related arguments will help you a lot when you are moving between directories manually and also when you are writing scripts that require directory navigation.

Related Link

Chapter 4. Designing the Directory Tree | Red Hat Product Documentation

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