Only a couple of dates after Cinnamon updated to version 1.6.5 (on this November 5th) , project leader Linux Mint Cinnamon announced another quick update i.e. Cinnamon 1.6.6. The update has nothing note-worthy or distinguished from its previous release, however the update fixes localization of application items in main menu- a minor but notable bug.
In their official blog post the release note was also followed by an apology stated in these words “Apologies for the quick succession of minor releases. We’re getting really close to Mint 14 and stabilizing 1.6 incrementally and as quick as we can”. The immediate release was applauded in the community “release early release often”. Also community has responded positively to the immediate concern shown by developers regarding the bug fix.
Also the Lint Mint 14 release is around the corner and the effort of developers to make Cinnamon stable and complete. Linux Mint Cinnamon as DE 14 will default (along with a version with MATE).
This is one event that once again establishes the superiority of open source software over proprietary software– fixes can be made quickly and without having to wait long for next release by the proprietary company. With “so many eye-balls” its easier to spot and fix bugs!