Gimp2.7.3 has been released! PPA Ubuntu and LinuxMint

Announced today by Gimp Team the release of Gimp2.73,  a new development version that brings us closer to GIMP 2.8. This version is packed with important gimp-logonew features and improvements. According to the announcement “The most visible changes in 2.7.3 are the fully working single-window mode, including working session management, and the introduction of a new hybrid spinbutton/scale widget which takes less space in dockable dialogs.”

For a complete list of changes since 2.7.2 please refer to NEWS page, while the release notes summarize changes in the whole 2.7.x series.


For installation of this new developement release in Ubuntu and LinuxMint, use the following PPA

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:matthaeus123/mrw-gimp-svn

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install gimp

For other Linux Distribution, you can download this new release from the following download link.

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