Install ‘Great Little Radio Player’ Ubuntu/Fedora/ArchLinux

Great Little Radio Player is a robust internet radio station streamer for various Linux distributions. It connects to web sites offering radio streaming and lets you play radio stations directly from that locations. With Great Little Radio Player, you will have collection of more then 500 radio stations worldwide. Best part, it’s free of charge. The Current version is  1.4.6 .

Great_Little_Radio_Player Install in Mint, Ubuntu, elementaryOS, Deepin

– .deb 32 bit

– .deb 64 bit

Open Terminal and cd into download directory

Run the command below:

$ sudo dpkg -i greatlittleradioplayer_1.4.6_amd64.deb

Run the command below to fix dependency errors.

$ sudo apt-get install -f

Install in openSUSE, Fedora,Mandriva, Mageia

.rpm 32 bit

.rpm 64 bit

For other Linux distros visit the Download Page.

Launching In Ubuntu

Open Dash and Type Great .. and you should see the Great Little Radio Player

great_little_radio_player   Show Player by clicking on the radio icon from the top panel.

Show_Great_Little_Radio_Player   Play Stations by clicking on them.


Check YouTube for some tips.
