Install Nagios in Opensuse 12.1 from source

Nagios is a popular open source computer system and network monitoring software application. It watches hosts and services, alerting users when things gonagios logo wrong and again when they get better.

Nagios was originally designed to run under Linux, but also runs well on other Unix variants. It is free software, licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

Before to start, if you want to install Nagios in fedora ,RHEL or centos please read our previous tutorial,Also you can check How to install Nagios in ubuntu 9.x and 10. xand How to install nagios3 in LinuxMint debian based.

I- Install Apache, PHP  and  some  needed  libraries

  • First we will install apache , php and needed librairies
<strong>zypper install rrdtool php5 php5-gd php5-zlib apache2-mod_php5 perl-SNMP net-snmp-32bit nmap ncpfs libwavpack1 apache2</strong><br />
  • Now add   nagios user  to the system
 sudo useradd -m nagios
  • Create  a  nagios  home  directory ( is  requiered  to  start nagios)
mkdir  -p  /home/nagios
  • Create  password  for  nagios user
 sudo passwd nagios
  • Add gorup nagcmd
 sudo groupadd nagcmd
sudo groupadd nagios

  • Add users nagios to group nagcmd  and  nagios  group
sudo usermod  -G nagcmd nagios

II- Install and Configure Nagios :

  • Now install the Nagios tarballs that we downloaded previously:
 tar -xvf nagios-3.3.1.tar.gz
  • Then cd the the extracted folder and install

cd nagios-3.3.1
sudo ./configure -with-command-group=nagcmd
sudo make all
sudo make install

if you get this error

/usr/bin/install: omitting directory `includes/rss/extlib’
/usr/bin/install: omitting directory `includes/rss/htdocs’
/usr/bin/install: omitting directory `includes/rss/scripts’
make[1]: *** [install] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/media/europa/callisto/nagios___/nagios-3.3.1/nagios/html’
make: *** [install] Error 2


Please solve the issue Like this :



sed -i ‘s:for file in includes/rss/*;:for file in includes/rss/*.*;:g’ ./html/Makefile
sed -i ‘s:for file in includes/rss/extlib/*;:for file in includes/rss/extlib/*.*;:g’ ./html/Makefile

and then
make fullinstall


  • This installs the init script in /etc/rc.d
 sudo make install-init
  • This installs sample config files in /usr/local/nagios/etc
 sudo make install-config
  •  This installs and configures permissions on the directory for holding the external command file
sudo make install-commandmode

ann  nagios  config to apache

sudo   make install-webconf
  • Make  a webadmin password for  nagios  admin
htpasswd2 -c /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users nagiosadmin


New password:
Re-type new password:
Adding password for user nagiosadmin

  • Restart   your  apache  server
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

III-Install Nagios Plugins :

Now we have to install Nagios plugins, first download the file from nagios website, then extract it using the command :

tar -xvf nagios-plugins-1.4.15.tar.gz
cd nagios-plugins-1.4.15
sudo ./configure --with-user=nagios --with-group=nagcmd
sudo make
sudo make install
  • Verify the config:
sudo /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg

Now open your browser

http://host/nagios and login with the nagios admin already created before.