Install Pandora FMS monitoring in Fedora14 | Console, Server and Agent

Pandora FMS (for Pandora Flexible Monitoring System) is software solution for monitoring computer networks. Pandora FMS allows monitoring in a visual way the status and performance of several parameters from different operating systems, servers, applications and hardware systems such as firewalls, proxies, databases, web servers or routers.

Pandora FMS can be deployed in almost any operating system. It features remote monitoring (WMI, SNMP, TCP. UDP, ICMP, HTTP…) and it can also use agents. An agent is available for each platform. It can also monitor hardware systems with a TCP/IP stack, such as load balancers, routers, network switches, printers or firewalls.

Pandora FMS has several servers that process and get information from different sources, using WMI for gathering remote Windows information, a predictive server, a plug-in server which makes complex user-defined network tests, an advanced export server to replicate data between different sites of Pandora FMS, a network discovery server, and an SNMP Trap console.

Install the Consol


Before to start we need to  Install  LAMP  for  Fedora14  by following instructions in this post.

After LAMP is installed we can start installing the Consol

1-  Download  the  Pandora_console  tarbal, extract it  and  copy  it to /var/www/html/

[root@unixmen-Fedora14 html]# cp -r  /home/pirat9/Downloads/pandora_console/   .
[root@unixmen-Fedora14 html]# pwd
[root@unixmen-Fedora14 html]# ls -ltr
total 8
drwxr-xr-x  12 root root 4096 Mar  2 13:57 pandora_console
[root@unixmen-Fedora14 html]#

You need to setup permissions to be able to write in ./include  and  ./attachment directory

Under  root :

chmod -R  777  include/  and chmod -R 777  attachment

Now open the browser http://ip/pandora_console


Click  next and  check  every  time  if  something gone  wrong


Check if all dependencies are installed in your system, if everything is  green (See screenshot bellow) then is ok, click next

FMS pandora


Insert  database  admin user and  password  and  the  database  that  you want to  create




New database  will be  created and a new  password  will be generated for a later use in  pandora server  configuration, write it down and continue




After  this  back to  your  shell , move of   remove install.php  file and  open http://ip/pandora_console    and  login with  user admin  and  password  pandora

Install the server

1-First :  install  dependencies

yum install perl-XML-SAX* perl-Tie* perl-XML-Simple* perl-IO-Socket* perl-Time-modules* perl-NetAddr-IP* perl-DateTime* perl-ExtUtils perl-DBI nmap

2-Configure pandora_server.conf

Add  password  and  database name generated from installation of Pandora_console to   /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf

[root@unixmen-Fedora14 pandora_server]# ./pandora_server_installer   --install


Installing binaries and libraries
cp lib/PandoraFMS/Traceroute/ blib/lib/PandoraFMS/Traceroute/
cp lib/PandoraFMS/ blib/lib/PandoraFMS/
cp lib/PandoraFMS/ blib/lib/PandoraFMS/
cp lib/PandoraFMS/ blib/lib/PandoraFMS/
cp lib/PandoraFMS/ blib/lib/PandoraFMS/
cp lib/PandoraFMS/ blib/lib/PandoraFMS/
cp lib/PandoraFMS/ blib/lib/PandoraFMS/
cp lib/PandoraFMS/ blib/lib/PandoraFMS/
cp lib/PandoraFMS/ blib/lib/PandoraFMS/
cp lib/PandoraFMS/ blib/lib/PandoraFMS/
cp lib/PandoraFMS/ blib/lib/PandoraFMS/
cp lib/PandoraFMS/ blib/lib/PandoraFMS/
cp lib/PandoraFMS/ blib/lib/PandoraFMS/
cp lib/PandoraFMS/ blib/lib/PandoraFMS/
cp lib/PandoraFMS/ blib/lib/PandoraFMS/
cp lib/PandoraFMS/ blib/lib/PandoraFMS/
cp lib/PandoraFMS/ blib/lib/PandoraFMS/
cp lib/PandoraFMS/ blib/lib/PandoraFMS/
cp bin/pandora_exec blib/script/pandora_exec
/usr/bin/perl -MExtUtils::MY -e ‘MY->fixin(shift)’ — blib/script/pandora_exec
cp bin/pandora_server blib/script/pandora_server
/usr/bin/perl -MExtUtils::MY -e ‘MY->fixin(shift)’ — blib/script/pandora_server
Manifying blib/man3/PandoraFMS::Traceroute.3pm
Manifying blib/man3/PandoraFMS::Tools.3pm
Manifying blib/man3/PandoraFMS::GeoIP.3pm
Manifying blib/man3/PandoraFMS::Core.3pm
Manifying blib/man3/PandoraFMS::Traceroute::PurePerl.3pm
Manifying blib/man3/PandoraFMS::GIS.3pm
Manifying blib/man3/PandoraFMS::Sendmail.3pm
Installing /usr/lib/perl5/PandoraFMS/
Installing /usr/lib/perl5/PandoraFMS/
Installing /usr/lib/perl5/PandoraFMS/
Installing /usr/lib/perl5/PandoraFMS/
Installing /usr/lib/perl5/PandoraFMS/
Installing /usr/lib/perl5/PandoraFMS/
Installing /usr/lib/perl5/PandoraFMS/
Installing /usr/lib/perl5/PandoraFMS/
Installing /usr/lib/perl5/PandoraFMS/
Installing /usr/lib/perl5/PandoraFMS/
Installing /usr/lib/perl5/PandoraFMS/
Installing /usr/lib/perl5/PandoraFMS/
Installing /usr/lib/perl5/PandoraFMS/
Installing /usr/lib/perl5/PandoraFMS/
Installing /usr/lib/perl5/PandoraFMS/
Installing /usr/lib/perl5/PandoraFMS/
Installing /usr/lib/perl5/PandoraFMS/
Installing /usr/lib/perl5/PandoraFMS/Traceroute/
Installing /usr/local/share/man/man3/PandoraFMS::Traceroute.3pm
Installing /usr/local/share/man/man3/PandoraFMS::Traceroute::PurePerl.3pm
Installing /usr/local/share/man/man3/PandoraFMS::GeoIP.3pm
Installing /usr/local/share/man/man3/PandoraFMS::Tools.3pm
Installing /usr/local/share/man/man3/PandoraFMS::Sendmail.3pm
Installing /usr/local/share/man/man3/PandoraFMS::Core.3pm
Installing /usr/local/share/man/man3/PandoraFMS::GIS.3pm
Installing /usr/local/bin/pandora_exec
Installing /usr/local/bin/pandora_server
Appending installation info to /usr/lib/perl5/perllocal.pod
Checking binaries at /usr/local/bin -> /usr/bin
Creating common Pandora FMS directories
uid=502(pandora) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

User pandora does exist, make sure the SSH directories are correct
Giving proper permission to /var/spool/pandora
Creating setup directory in /etc/pandora
cp conf/pandora_server.conf /etc/pandora
Installing Pandora Server manual
Copying the daemon script into /etc/init.d/pandora_server
Linking startup script to /etc/rc.d/rc5.d
Creating logrotate.d entry for Pandora FMS log management
Installing tentacle server in /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S80tentacle_serverd
Installing Tentacle Server manual
Creating Pandora FMS distribution directory in /usr/share/pandora_server
Creating the Cron script to run daily Pandora DB tool

Now you have to edit your /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf file to change the database password (default is pandora) with the one set in include/config.php of your Pandora FMS Console.
After setting password you can start your Pandora FMS Server!!
Managing Pandora FMS logs with logrotate (Distro independent)

4-Start The Server  from Init

As root type the following command:

 /etc/init.d/pandora_server start

Install the Agent

Download  The  pandora  agent from  the  website then  extract . and  run the  install as root using the following command

 ./pandora_agent_installer  --install

Add the agent to the server

Open the  shellbox  and  edit  /etc/pandora/pandora_agent.conf

In the  configuration file  add  the  ip  adress of the server  pandora  fms and restart

In The  Server  (Fedora14) :

/etc/init.d/tentacle_serverd  restart

In the  Client  (ubuntu 10.10)

/etc/init.d/pandora_agent_daemon start

Is done.