Linux Mint 17, Codenamed “Qiana”, Release Date Announced!

The Linux Mint founder Clement Lefebvre, has announced that the Linux Mint 17 will be named “Qiana” and should be available at the end of May 2014. According to, Linux Mint is the top-ranked Operating system and is being used by million of users around the globe.

In the Linux Mint blog, Clement said “Qiana is pronounced kee-AHN-ah. It was the name of a fashion silk-like material, introduced in the 1970s and popular in the disco-era, when it was made into loud, shiny shirts with pointy collars.  The feminine name is of American origin, and its meaning is “silky”. In some languages Qiana also means ‘singers’, ‘light’ or ‘deity’”.

Just like the previous versions, Linux Mint 17 “Qiana” will feature the following editions:

– Cinnamon
– Xfce

Source: Linux Mint blog