Linux Troubleshooting: How To Fix ‘lsb_release’ Command Not Found In CentOS?


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Recently, I came through an error called “You must install lsb_release binary before launching this install script.” while testing “Shinken” network monitoring tool. After a bit of research I got the solution for this error. If you had faced the same error before, just do the following steps.

First let us find out, which package provides the ‘lsb_release’ command. To do that, enter the following command from your Terminal.

yum provides */lsb_release

Sample output:

Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base:
 * extras:
 * updates:


redhat-lsb-core-4.1-24.el7.i686 : LSB Core module support
Repo        : base
Matched from:
Filename    : /usr/bin/lsb_release

redhat-lsb-core-4.1-24.el7.x86_64 : LSB Core module support
Repo        : base
Matched from:
Filename    : /usr/bin/lsb_release

As you see in the above output, redhat-lsb-core-4.1-24.el7.x86_64 package provides the lsb_release command.

So let us install it to use the lsb_release command:

yum install redhat-lsb-core


yum install redhat-lsb

That’s it. Lsb_release command should work now.

It’s interesting to note that the lsb_release command works with all of these options:

Option Short Version Description
–version -v Tells you which version of the LSB standard your Linux meets.
–id  -i  Shows the string id of the distributor.
–description  -d Outputs one line detailing your Linux version.
–release -r Shows your Linux’ distro’s release number.
–codename -c Tells you your Linux release’s special nickname.
–all  -a  This is the “tell me everything” option. It shows all the details every option above can show you in one go.
–short -s  Gives you a brief, straight-to-the-point version of the info you requested. For obvious reasons, this option needs to be used conjunctly with any of the other options in this list.
–help -h If you ever forget what these options do, this option will tell you how they work.


What is the Linux Standard Base?

You can think of the Linux Standard Base as a rulebook. Many groups that make different versions of Linux came together to create this rulebook. 

Simply put, the development teams working on the most popular distros out there wanted to ensure that some standards were set for the “base” operating system, Linux. This ensures that all software runs smoothly across the various Linux distros.

This is essentially the same tactic used in the consumer electronics industry. Different companies agree on a standard size for phone chargers, so you can use any charger with any phone from those companies.

Now, it’s easier to understand what the lsb_release tool does for you. This tool helps you see if your version of Linux follows the rules in the LSB rulebook. 

By using it, you can be sure that your Linux version matches the standard set by many experts. This ensures compatibility and smooth performance with various software.

Note that the output of the lsb_release command differs from that of the kernel version (uname -r) command. Also, keep in mind that different Linux distros supply a slightly different output to the lsb_release command. 

Stay happy. Cheers!