The Midori 0.5.8 web browser has been released with a large number of improvements and features, a release that is dedicated to Adblock and WebKit2. As always Adblock is shipped with Midori but this time it is rewritten from C to Vala.
“As liked, fast and efficient our Adblock extension was, the original maintainer isn’t around anymore and flaws were accumulating on a code base that wasn’t very accessible anymore.”, reads the official announcement.
There are two new extensions in this release of Midori web browser: Ctrl+Enter to complete www. and .com and a handy little notes panel which automatically saves one or more snippets as you make changes.
Midori 0.5.8 has a new file type editor that gives the user total control of how files open,either via the Preferences or the right-click “Open With…” menu item.
You can download Midori 0.5.8 web browser from here. Make sure to choose the right version for your platform.
I am an Ubuntu user so I will download the deb package of Midori web browser and after the download is finished I have to run the following command in order to install it my machine.
sudo dpkg -i midori_0.5.8-1_amd64_.deb