It is truly exciting to get an in depth experience and discover new projects.BrowserID though going beyond a project is poised to be the game changer in how you sign-into websites. Mozilla calls it the BrowserID and is a brand new way of signing up for website services.
Typically, users spend the at least 3 minutes per web site on registering, filling out questionnaires and essentially identifying themselves every time they want to use the services of a website. One there is repetition in what the users does at every website and second there are any numbers of passwords to remember. Of course, there are large identity management service providers, like Facebook, Twitter, Google but they come with a several limitations such as lock-in with service provider, security features and reliability.
Why Browser ID
Browser ID is an attempt to offer a one-click log in across websites on different technologies. Its verified email protocol offers an excellent user experience. Additional confirmation is shorter and will not require passwords specific to the website.
Browser ID is easy to use, secure and has a cross-browser. It is decentralized and is better with browsers of the future. Privacy of users is a consistent feature with Browser ID. The technical advantage it has for being an open source project is that the design allows it to be compatible with all web sites. Users need to complete the email address confirmation with Browser ID, which will be used as a standard whenever you sign into other websites.
OpenIDis a popular Identity manager but the major problem is that of vendor lock-in and implementation difficulties.
Where Browser ID will deliver is that it will not be seeking server information and hence security issues are greatly minimized.
How BrowserID does it
Mozilla calls it the Verified Email Protocol and essentially maintains a list of your Email IDs you place on BrowserID protocol and you verify by clicking on the link. Therefore, every time you choose to sign in using Browser ID, you can make your choice of the email ID you want to sign in.
No new token authentication is performed and directly email address becomes the login Identity. The verification of the address is done via the public-key cryptography.
Where Browser ID differs
Unlike other technologies, Browser ID uses email addresses for authentication and not just the combination of username-password as the sole access point. Taking the already captive personal identity email hosts possess and the inherent infrastructure for verification each user is assigned to each user. Since, information is not being shared with servers, user identity remains anonymous.
Supports new generation Browsers
Another point where Browser ID delivers is its high compatibility with all browsers and supporting the latest versions of browsers such as Internet Browsers and all new generation of browsers. The core development is done in HTML as well as JavaScript. Mozilla believes that Browser ID will be supported directly in the near future.