Setup a Local Gem Server in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
My Environment Setup:
Hostname :
IP Address :
hostnamectl ifconfig | grep inet
Step 1: Install ruby package:
First we need ruby package to work with gems.
Add the PPA repository and update the repo cache to get install ruby.
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:brightbox/ruby-ng-experimental sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.3
Check for the Ruby version using:
ruby -v
Step 2: Install & Configure Gem server:
Install any one of ruby gems and start to configure the gem Server.
sudo gem install aa
Here what ever Gems you need want to be pulled and stored here by manual, After that in future we can use these gems in client machines.
Then start the Gem server using:
gem server --port 8808 --dir /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/ --bind --no-daemon
Here is the explanation for above command.
gem server = start the gem server
–port = In which Port we need to run
–dir = which directory need to be used as gem repository to store and served.
–bind = Need to run in this address.
–no-daemon = dont need to be run as a daemon.
Step 3: Running in background:
If we need to run the gem server in background while the server start-up we need to add a small script.
Create a Script file in any name:
Append the following gem server command in the created file:
gem server --port 8808 --dir /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/ --bind --no-daemon &
Then save and exit using wq!.
Now to start it automatically when server up and running we need to add the created script file in the rc.local.
sudo vim /etc/rc.local
Append the created file location with sh to execute the command:
sh /home/unixadmin/
save and quit rc.local using wq!
Step 4: Check Gem Server status:
Now the gem server used to run in the, We can access the web interface using:
Step 5: Client side Configuration:
Create two files in under home directory and /etc/.
vim ~/.gemrc vim /etc/gemrc
Add the below Content in above created files.
--- :update_sources: true :sources: - - :benchmark: false :bulk_threshold: 1000 :backtrace: false :verbose: true gem: --no-ri --no-rdoc install: --no-rdoc --no-ri update: --no-rdoc --no-r
Now When ever we try to install the gems for any project Gems will be served from local server and it saves lot of time even hours.
To see the gem info navigate to
sudo gem install aa
To get every gems from local we have to pull and stored in gem server by manually, That’s it we have installed and setup-ed a local gem server for our home or office environment.