On the World Wide Web there are so many Linux products and business solutions that one is often flustered about which to keep and which to discard. Moreover, checking out each of the products and analyzing them for their applicability to you is quite a long drawn affair. At other times, you’ve known particular types of products exist but have not been able to decide because all seem the same and you are unclear which is the right one for you. Well here is a short cut to finding and using all those Linux products you’ve known about but have not been able to explore in depth. Each product/training session advantages and special features are discussed to help you gain better insight and tailor them to your needs.
As a matter of fact, several service providers offer dedicated feed on the top products that are presently running promotional offers, freebies, discounts etc. Certifications seem to be flavor for this month, what with two major open source certificates on offer, at discounted rates.
Novell’s enriched certifications
Novell’s certified Linux Administrator (NCLA) certification if maxed will help you earn the Novell Certified Linux Professional Certification (NCLP) at no extra cost. What you could also do is to Pass the NCLA and get a refund of the fees amount. You will have to read the small print first and consider all raiders before you sign up for the certification.
Linux Training & Certification
Linux’s great offer is a 30% off on Red Hat Linux 6 training. Additional benefits are 24 X 7 practice sessions during the course of the training (TG!). You will be working in a Gigabit LAN 3 network range environment that will surely give you the required exposure to network scenarios. A very critical part of certification is training and the maximum input you get of challenges during this period will set the foundation for your Linux 6 handling capabilities in real time situations. Training and sense of comfort in using what you’ve learnt are two sides of the same coin, with each reinforcing the other. Training is as vital as the certification itself as proving your mettle on Ground Zero is possible only with the in-depth knowledge you’ve gained about Linux 6.
Perhaps a group of you taking up the certification at the same time would help you gain group discounts too. Linux Training & Certification for beginners and mid-stream professionals are enhancers give you the ideal continuity in this domain.
Cloud Computing Certification
Global certification from Red Hat with Amazon EC2, the S3 as well as the Hybrid clouds are a segment that are looking for trained and certified professionals. Open Source background along with cloud computing solutions is the right certificates that would make the difference between good placements and development opportunities.
This is an attempt to offer the better performing Linux training that you need to explore and gain substantially from them.
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