Triple-boot your netbook with latest Linux OS

If you own a netbook then here are some top-of-the-line netbook distros that you have to explore. With continued and active support from the great community of linux-logodevelopers, new netbook distros are quickly redefining Operating Systems for the netbooks in the Open source segment. These have faster, more powerful and enriched features for your newest netbook hardware for a great computing experience.


However, what remains a unique fact of netbook open source Operating Systems is that, if you know the method, you can have all of the new OS on your netbook at the same time.

Wondering how, then this is what needs to be done. Using partition features, auto modification of the boot menu for each of the distributions multiple OS installation is optimized by using the ubiquitous USB stick.

Ubuntu UNR

Ubuntu UNR is a great Linux OS to start with. It has fabulous hardware support with the seminal Unity interface. Looks like Canonical is on to something great, moving from its earlier default GNOME 3.

Using USB Sticks, is one easy way to install distros from Linux for netbooks as netbooks would lack the optical drive and accept USB stick for installing. UNR installation on USB stick is faster, quicker and by far the simplest.


Another great netbook Operating System is the fusion distro of Moblin and Maemo where the winning characteristics of both are combined on the MeeGo. Its 1.1 is the OS to go with, if you are high on social networking and are comfortable with streamlined internet.

Installation of MeeGo OS is slightly different from typical Ubuntu installations as installation is possible only through live USB stick and a command line capture of IMG file instead of an ISO file. This means that USB stick has to be written byte-by-byte from the IMG. Installation is quite procedural and you will have to ensure that you get the USB device name right for recognition.


Have you ever tried a cloud based Operating System for your netbook? The Jolicloud is a cloud supporting Operating system that easily transits between local applications and storage on virtual clouds. It polls high popularity votes and reviews.

The Jolicloud ISO has to be first installed on the USB stick. The version you require can be found at Once the USB stick is correctly identified, you can remove the USB and proceed to the boot menu for manual partitioning. Rebooting after each installation is essential.

New Netbook Distros on Linux the Way Forward

Forget the archaic operating systems you are using presently and become adventurous with a whole new set of distros that are elegant, stylish and a software statement. Let the Xandros and the Linpus rest in peace while you loose all that Microsoft OS compatibility.

On triple netbook booting, have the latest open source Linux OS on your netbook.

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