Ubuntu 14.04 LTS “Trusty Tahr” Default Wallpaper Revealed!

Ubuntu_14_04_approved_default_wallpaperDOWNLOAD HIGHER RESOLUTION DEFAULT WALLPAPER

Hey Guys,

The above images shows the official default Ubuntu 14.04 LTS “Trusty Tahr” wallpaper as we all wait for it come April 2014.

Here is an excerpt from Michal’s blog post published on March 10, 2014 about the wallpaper:

For the last couple of weeks we’ve been working on the new Ubuntu Wallpaper. It is never easy trust me. The most difficult part was to work out the connection between the old wallpapers and the new look and feel – Suru. The wallpaper has become an integral part of the ubuntu brand, the strong colours and gradated flow are powerful important elements. We realised this when looking from a distance at someone laptop it really does shout UBUNTU.

Read more here….
