Ubuntu Tweak 0.5.10 is released with source validation feature and Unity launcher auto-hide option

Ubuntu Tweak 0.5.10 is released, this is a bug fixed version of Ubuntu Tweak 0.5.x., 2 new features were added to this version of ubuntu tweakubuntutweaklogo : The source validation feature and the option to make the Launcher hide automatically, this will give you a wider screen space.


The release notes of Ubuntu Tweak 0.5.10:

  • Disable the broken sources and notify the user to make it easy to fix
  • Add the Launcher Autohide setting to Compiz (Natty only)
  • Fix bug: LP: #695294 No module named simplejson
  • Fix bug: LP: #665841 ubuntu tweak crash in Login


Install Ubuntu Tweak in Ubuntu and LinuxMint via repository:

Open terminal and enter the following command:

<strong>sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tualatrix/ppa </strong><br /><strong>sudo apt-get update</strong><br /><strong>sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak</strong>

If you have already ubuntu tweak installed, you can upgrade using the following commands :

sudo apt-get update &amp;&amp; sudo apt-get upgrade

Download the .deb package for Ubuntu and LinuxMint