Play with Netcat in Ubuntu: A Quick Guide to Networking with nc

Known as the "Swiss Army Knife" of networking, Netcat is a versatile tool for tasks like port scanning, file transfers, and creating network connections.

What is Netcat (nc)?

Use the following command to install Netcat on your Ubuntu system: sudo apt-get install netcat

Install Netcat on Ubuntu

With Netcat, you can set up a chat server by running: nc -l -p 1234  On another terminal, connect to it with: nc localhost 1234

Basic Usage: Set up a Simple Chat Server

File Transfer with Netcat To send a file, use this command on the sending machine:  nc -l -p 1234 < file.txt On the receiving machine, use: nc sender_ip 1234 > file.txt

Testing Random Read/Write with fio

You can scan open ports on a remote server using: nc -z -v 1-1000

Use Netcat for Port Scanning

Test HTTP server connections by typing: echo -e "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n" | nc 80 This command sends a basic HTTP GET request and displays the server's response.

Testing HTTP Connections

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