Start by installing the necessary packages for your mail server. Use the command: yum install postfix dovecot -y to install Postfix (for sending emails) and Dovecot (for retrieving emails).
Edit the Postfix configuration file located at /etc/postfix/ Set parameters such as myhostname, mydomain, and mydestination to specify the server's identity and allowed domains.
Configure Dovecot by editing /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf. Enable protocols by uncommenting or adding protocols = imap pop3, and set the mail location with mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir.
Create user accounts that will receive emails by using the command: useradd -m user1 and set passwords with passwd user1. Repeat this for each user you want to add to your mail server.
Enable and start the Postfix and Dovecot services to ensure they run on boot. Use the commands: systemctl start postfix, systemctl start dovecot, and systemctl enable postfix, systemctl enable dovecot.
For detailed guides and expert tips on managing your CentOS mail server and other Linux topics, visit, your go-to resource for Linux administration.