Why Open Source Operating Systems Are Utilised by Hackers the Most?

open source operating systems

The popularity of open source operating systems (OS) is evident in various tech circles. However, it’s intriguing to note how they particularly resonate with the hacker community. Let’s delve deeper into the reasons why hackers find open source OSs to be their platform of choice.

Transparent Source Code

Open source systems stand out due to the public availability of their source code. This transparency not only empowers everyday users but also offers hackers a detailed roadmap of the system’s architecture. By diving deep into the intricacies of the code, hackers can identify potential weak points, understand the logic behind different functionalities, and subsequently, pinpoint areas susceptible to exploits. This in-depth understanding is practically impossible with proprietary software whose inner workings remain a closely guarded secret.

Flexibility and Customisation

The privilege of accessing and modifying the source code bestows upon users an unmatched flexibility. Hackers thrive on this flexibility. They can craft an environment that suits their exact needs, be it for undercover operations, penetration testing, or even crafting malware. Unlike closed-source systems, which offer a ‘take it or leave it’ approach, open source ones are a blank canvas, waiting to be moulded as per the hacker’s requirements.

 Expansive Online Communities

One of the hallmarks of open source projects is the robust online community behind them. While these communities primarily center on mutual help, software improvement, and problem-solving, they are also forums where vulnerabilities get discussed. For hackers, lurking in these communities can be advantageous. They gain insights into debated vulnerabilities, allowing them to remain a step ahead. It’s a balance of collective improvement and potential collective exposure.

Absence of Identity Verification

The inclusive nature of open source projects is a double-edged sword. On one side, it promotes community involvement and contribution. On the flip side, it often lacks rigorous identity verification processes. Skilled hackers can exploit this gap. They can contribute seemingly benign code which, in reality, hides malicious intent, or subtly introduce vulnerabilities. This anonymity shields them from immediate suspicion, making open source platforms more enticing for covert activities.

Training and Skill Enhancement

Open source OSs serve as fertile grounds for skill development for hackers. They provide a real-world playground where changes can be made, tested, and the effects observed in real-time. This real-time feedback loop is invaluable for refining techniques, testing new vulnerabilities, and simulating cyber-attacks. Proprietary systems, with their ‘black-box’ nature, don’t offer this luxury, making open source ones a preferred training ground.

Availability of Specialized Distros

While the open source ecosystem boasts a variety of distributions catering to different needs, what’s fascinating is the emergence of distros tailor-made for cybersecurity purposes. These distributions come pre-loaded with tools and software essential for hacking, penetration testing, and cyber defense. Hackers, be it white-hat (ethical) or black-hat (malicious), find these distros to be a veritable toolbox for their activities.

Philosophy of Open Source

Beyond the technical advantages, the ideology behind open source also plays a role in its allure. Open source, by its very nature, champions free access to information and collaborative development. Some hackers align with this ethos, championing unrestricted access to all forms of data and systems, even if it leads to ethical dilemmas.


The relationship between open source operating systems and hackers is multifaceted. While these systems provide hackers with an array of tools and freedoms, they are also beloved by developers and tech aficionados for the very same reasons. The ongoing challenge is to harness the strengths of open source, ensuring that its collaborative spirit and freedom don’t compromise security and user trust.